Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bands and plans

I have been to many concerts lately, mainly due to the courtesy of Ben, who organised a bunch of tickets. There were three shows in total, two being great, one average. The most hyped up band was pretty average, Vampire Weekend and the front band pretty much sucked. I mean they were fine but more or less as expected and I am not a super huge fan of theirs. Far better were Born Ruffians with Cadence Weapon! If you are into hiphop you should check CW out, he is really smth. else. Lastly I watched Tokyo Police Club who were super. I bought like 6 CDs and 2 Tshirts at two of the shows, but who gives a damn with the weak dollar, hey? Anyway, they were real fun and we went out afterwards and I also went out with my good French friend Matthieu on his final day here, which was fun too. We had a romantic dinner to two before, ha, which we were totally comfortable with of course. I wasnt so comfortable with paying 42$ for a pitcher of Margherita on the other hand.
Okay, apart from that I spent Easters at Winnie's Mum's place which was real fun and the food was great and we went to Berkely afterwards and I bought some CDs and had some great coffee at Pete's. That is pretty much it, been having fun otherwise lately taking things easy and enjoying the everyday sunshine. Have also made a personal committment to living healthier, which is working great and am eating salad an fruit every day (secretely it is cause I put on weight that I am eating healthier) and getting certain things in life sorted out, like credit cards and missing driving licences. I also thought I would buy a car when I am back in Dublin, yeah, why not.

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